
I enjoy letting computers do the work for me, and have worked extensively in Python and C++ to make this happen. In the hopes that the things I made can also help others, they are released as open source code. I also dabble in web design and several other languages. Below are some of my projects.


pyGAPS is an adsorption isotherm processing and fitting framework written in Python 3. It is open source and extensively documented. Some of the capabilities are: routine material characterisation (specific surface area, pore volume, pore size distribution), isotherm model fitting as well as multicomponent adsorption prediction using IAST.


A graphical user interface to the pyGAPS package, written in Qt (using Python bindings). It attempts to make the powerful functionality of pyGAPS available in an easy to use, intuitive application.

LaTeX paper template

A nifty LaTeX class for scientific publications. Attempts to look like a modern publication and comes with options such as one/two column layouts, two-column figures, ORCID support and more.

This website

My personal website. A static site using GitHub Pages, Jekyll and a theme adapted from the open source GitHub Cayman theme. Nothing too fancy (except the useless particle.js effects).